


Whether you’re here for my blog or to check out my work - I’m glad you came! For the blog - I have always had a love for writing, and finally decided to start a blog where all of my interests are in one place. I love to write about fashion, new travel destinations, recipes, products - the list goes on! I hope that sharing experiences and interests helps at least one person in this world.

For my work - I wanted to turn my creativity into my every day “job” that didn’t have to feel like a job. I have always known that I want to be in the creative field, but never really knew my exact niche. As I studied different mediums (graphic design, painting, photography, etc.) I learned that I really found a love in helping brands grow and watching them succeed. There are so many companies that just need that extra help or push in branding, content, overall image, and that is where I love to come in. I love to help brands find their image and purpose. When I started in Graphic Design, I realized I wanted to do more. I continued to teach myself photography, retouching, brand design, videography, overall content creation - all so I can provide value to different brands. I wear many hats and I love it - every project is unique and different!

I’m the type of person who would have 50 different professions if I could: graphic designer, blogger, photographer, videographer, content creator, Youtuber, vlogger, painter, clothing designer, wedding planner, personal trainer, food-photographer… but why can’t we?

Topics of Interest: Food Network, HGTV, overly dramatic reality shows, sushi, anything with cheese, fitness, photography, making cool videos, concerts, good online shopping sites, blogging, trendy new restaurants, the best places to hike, painting, cool cameras, travel destinations or my (parent's) dog's modeling career. 


If you want to say hello, email me at